Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Professor Harry

This is a picture of me and my nephew Harry on our recent visit to a restaurant. On the way there I told him what we would be eating – dosa’s etc as it was south Indian cuisine. When our food arrived his Mum tried to entice him to eat the ‘pancake’ to which Harry promptly replied ‘it’s not a pancake it’s a dosa!’ Quite a big correction from someone who has only just turned three! It never ceases to amaze me how much information small children take in.

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Interpreting Your Dreams Workshop

This is a course I ran on 7th November in Hounslow. It was offered as a free workshop to members of the local community. The response was fantastic with all fifteen places being booked up within four days of the advertising going out and people continued to call and check for places right up to thirty minutes before the training was due to start!

The participants were so eager to learn and it was wonderful how they each made a special contribution - I always think training is a group effort and I know I learnt lots from them. We discovered how some dream symbols such as a train could fall under the category of both a place and a type of object. One participant mentioned teeth as a dream symbol - teeth falling out. Here we thought teeth could be an object but also come under the category of ‘people’ - the person who has lost the teeth.

It was lots of hard work to organise but the appreciation and enthusiasm of the participants made it all worthwhile.

Friday, 13 November 2009

Birds of a Feather

During the day I like to look out of the window from time to time and have been intrigued by the birds which come and sit on the grass. As they peck, they’ll keep looking up nervously again and again, sensing my presence may be. They perceive me as a danger, something to be feared, forgetting perhaps their amazing ability to fly high into the distance in just seconds in any direction they choose to a place of safety. As the danger they fear I don’t have that ability or speed. I think we are a lot like those birds when we give our fears and problems more power than they actually might have by forgetting our strengths and the wonderful qualities we possess.